Sunday, 4 September 2016

MS Cannot Kill My Creativity

It is true to say that I have not touched this blog in a long time. This is in part because everything has become more challenging for me as my MS progresses. However, MS cannot kill my creativity Yes, it makes it more difficult for me to express it. But it is part of me. Somehow or other it will be expressed by hook or by crook. Unfortunately and, sometimes it is hard to use a mobile phone/tablet for writing. So the blog is likely to be less frequent in future. Less frequent, but perhaps better.

My creative juices have also been otherwise employed: I'll have written a Christmas panto-style entertainment for the nursing home where I live. I am hoping that this will be performed at Christmas parties. I will offer to direct, which would be enormous fun for me.

I have also been completely immersed in designing and creating a garden. The nursing home allocated me my own patch of garden within the communal grounds, and gave me permission to develop it as I wished. I used grant money from the MS. Society to fund the plants and hard landscaping materials.  Labour was provided in-house free of charge.

My intention was to create a Mediterranean gravel garden, suitable for a very dry and partially sunny plot. A maintenance free garden that would need no constant watering.

I also wanted to create a shady patio beneath a wild plum tree: a refuge from the harsh Summer sun, which my MS hates.

The garden has been really fantastic and has made my  summer. Best of all, it has been a great social space in which to lunch and spend time with friends and family.

One of the things I adore about gardens, is that they never stand still and are always changing. Already I am hatching plans for changes and improvements that I want to make next year. Gardens link past, present and future, melded together by the beauty of nature.  And they're great places to eat too!

Henrietta Whitsun-Jones


  1. Glad to hear how you are doing. Your garden looks great! I met your daughter at the MS Centre a while ago and chatted a bit - she is a credit to you!
    Sarah Webley

  2. Hehe- I met your daughter to she is lovely. Henny keep being shrew like cos we love you!
