Monday, 5 October 2015


Mindfulness has been my constant companion over the past 2 years.  It has been both a rock to cling to in a storm, and a place to bask in the sun when the weather is kind.

I meditate most mornings, with only the sound of birdsong as a soundtrack. I find it sets me up for the day ahead, rather like a strong cup of coffee.

I freely admit that I have lost my way at times.  Fortunately for me, our own Trustee and Mindfulness coach, Sarah Jones, has been on the end of a phone, ready to give me a Mindfulness coaching session and set me back on the right track again. In the real world, this kind of one-to-one coaching would cost hundreds of pounds. We are very fortunate at the Centre to have Sarah as a Mindfulness resource (I know she wouldn't mind me calling her a 'resource').

At times, this journey has been a somewhat lonesome road. Looking back, I think I would have preferred to take the trip with a group if that were possible   I am told that the energy one experiences in a Mindful ness group is very different to being by oneself, and is very nurturing. Looking for a group will definitely be my next step.

I cannot now imagine life without Mindfulness. It is now a sustaining force in my life, the glue that binds all the different parts of my life together. I would encourage anyone to embark on a Mindfulness adventure for themselves, for it is truly the adventure of a lifetime.

October 2016

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