Tuesday, 12 December 2017


December 2017

I dropped in on the Centre‘s Social Group in November. I should have taken some Kleenex with me, because I laughed till I cried!
good company and laughter at the Centre‘s Social Group

It was such an indulgent pleasure, just to share a cup of coffee and a chat with some lovely people. We played some great games too - simple entertainment, but so very enjoyable, and full of fun and laughter.

The Social Group is a very relaxed and welcoming environment for all, no matter what your level of disability (there are always plenty of volunteers eager to help in any way that will make it possible for someone to join in, whether it’s playing a game, or drinking your coffee.

There are always different people coming along, not just the regulars. So everyone is given a warm well come equally. Carers, are, of course, most welcome too.

Peoplec tend to come along for whatever time they have available between 10 AM and 12 PM.

So why not join the Social Group’s Christmas Party on Thursday 21st December 10 AM till 12 PM. Expect festive games and yummy seasonal snacks - and plenty of fun!

All you need to do, is to wear something Christmassy, and a big smile ...

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