Thursday, 6 November 2014


As the outside temperature drops, I have been keeping myself warm with a fantasy. The fantasy goes like this.

Every time I come to the Centre I am struck by how it is full of such lovely people. In the daydream all these lovely people come together in a choir and raise the roof with song.

Singing is about the happiest activity I know. It is impossible to feel sad whilst you are singing.  So a Centre choir would not only be tremendous fun and very rewarding for all participants, but it could also be a fundraiser for the Centre. It transpires that our own Robert Breakwell is not only a phenomenal musician, but an experienced and prize-winning choirmaster as well. We are therefore fortunate to have the perfect person in our midst to lead us.

Remember that to sing in a choir you do not need to be a particularly good singer. The beauty of singing in a group is that no one voice stands out. All you do need is bags of enthusiasm. 

If you would be interested in joining a choir at the Centre, then simply drop Robert a quick email ( so that he can gauge the level of interest. 

Robert has indicated to me that he would probably start choir rehearsals after Christmas.  What a way to kick start 2015 - by joining our voices together in celebrating our wonderful Centre. 

November 2014

 Henrietta Whitsun-Jones